Understanding the data life cycle
The data cycle improves the decision making of the firm from information collected from different online marketing activities.
The four main stages of a data cycle are: Plan, Do, Check and act
Let's take an example of a retail store in your neighborhood. They want to communicate their new door delivery facility to consumers.
The first step is set the goal. The retailer want at least 30℅of their existing customers to avail the benefit in the next one month.
The retailer would like to run social media campaign for the same.
The retailer runs social media campaign for a specified period say a week.
After the specified period, the retailer will asess whether he would be able to get 30℅ door delivery orders. They also check weather post on Facebook, Instagram, or Google got a better result. The social media sites those could not get the results needs to be reasessed.
In this stage, a retailer will understand shortcomings and run future campaigns with modifications. They may alter timing, content or offering.
Collect data periodically
Use Google Analytics
Find the trends for future endiviours.
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