Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pygmalion and Golem effect in sales management

Pygmalion effect:
" The greater the expectations on sales executives their performance improves further"

Golem effect:
' the lower the expectations of targets from sales executives lower will be their performance".


Pygmalion effect increase the trust and confidence of marketing managers on marketing executives( Wikipedia). 
It also ask the mangers to raise their level of expectations on subordinates continuously for longer duration to see the result(Kaufman, 2019)

Flip side of Pygmalion effect is it some times leads to disappoint of failures.


Kaufman, J. (2019). Pygmalion Effect - The Personal MBA. Personalmba.com. Retrieved 11 June 2019, from https://personalmba.com/pygmalion-effect/


Pygmalion effect. (2019). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 11 June 2019, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_effect