Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Look up function in google slides

Look up function


Looks through a sorted row or column for a key and returns the value of the cell in a result range located in the same position as the search row or column.

Sample Usage

LOOKUP(10003, A1:A100, B1:B100)
LOOKUP(10003, A1:B100)
LOOKUP("foo", A1:Z10)
This examples shows the price of part number 126.
Part NumberPriceFormulaResult
105$27.50=LOOKUP(126, $A$2:$A$6, $B$2:$B$6)$33.00

This examples shows when the search_key is not found (student ID 765333), a non-exact match may be returned.
Part NumberPriceFormulaResult

For look up value must be sorted first

Digital marketing question bank module 1

Digital marketing question bank module 1 for main examination.
Three marks questions
1. What are touch points?
2. Define USP.
3. What do you mean by local listing?
4.Define responsive sites.

Seven marks questions
5. Explain online goals of digital marketing.
6. Discuss strategies to build Web presence.
7. Describe how website work.
8. Explain dos and don't of web design.
9. Discuss benefit of online strategies.
10. Comment on organizations effort in understanding online consumer behavior.
11. Briefly explain display advertisement.
12. Explain key website ingredients.
13. Discuss dos and don't of website.
14. Elaborate benefits of online strategies.

Ten Marks questions
15. Elaborate key website ingredients.
16. Discuss see think do and care model

Supply chain of insurance sector

Indian insurance sector has seen paradigm shift in the distribution. From agent commission  mode to corporate supply chain. Further, third party organization involved. Apart from this technology and payment system are changing very fast. Thus, the discussion topic is:
Discuss various supply chain models in the insurance sector.