Green Bonds in India
What are green bonds?
Green bonds are debt securities issued by financial, non financial and Public sector undertakings. The resource will be used for 100% green projects and assets.
What are green projects?
1. Renewable energy
2. water and energy efficiency
3. Bio energy
4. Low carbon transports. ( Down-to-earth 2020)
India is the second largest green bond market in the world( ET energy world, 2020)
Indian companies involved in green bond market
1. Indian renewable energy development agency((IREDA) 2018
2. Indian Railway finance corporat5ion 2018
3. State Bank of India 2020 100 Million(Ghosh, 2020)
Features of green bonds in India
1. Coupon rate: Fixed
2. tenure: 6 months to 30 years.
1. India becomes second-largest market for Green Bonds with $10.3 billion transactions - ET EnergyWorld. (2020). Retrieved 7 December 2020, from green-bonds-with-10-3-billion-transactions/73898149
Green bonds: Is it green finance or green-washing?. (2020). Retrieved 7 December 2020, from