Friday, February 2, 2024

50 Advertising metrics you should know.


Reach & AwarenessImpressionsNumber of times your ad is displayed
ReachNumber of unique users who saw your ad
FrequencyAverage number of times a user saw your ad
Brand Awareness LiftIncrease in brand awareness after your campaign
Share of VoiceYour brand's mention volume compared to competitors
Unaided Brand RecallPercentage of people who recall your brand without prompting
Engagement & InteractionClick-Through Rate (CTR)Percentage of people who clicked on your ad
Engagement RatePercentage of people who interacted with your ad (likes, shares, comments)
Video Completion RatePercentage of people who watched your video ad to completion
App InstallsNumber of times your app was installed after clicking your ad
Average Time Spent ViewingHow long users typically spend looking at your ad
Heatmaps & ClickmapsVisualizing user engagement with your ad
Social Media ReachNumber of unique users who saw your social media post
Performance & ROIConversionsNumber of people who completed a desired action
Conversion RatePercentage of people who saw your ad and converted
Cost-Per-Click (CPC)Average amount you pay for each click on your ad
Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA)Average amount you pay for each conversion
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)Amount of revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising
Average Order Value (AOV)Average amount spent per order generated by your ad
Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)Total revenue a customer generates over their lifetime
Return on Investment (ROI)Overall revenue generated versus campaign cost
Audience & TargetingDemographicsAge, gender, location, income, etc. of your target audience
Interests & BehaviorsWhat your target audience is interested in and how they behave online
Click-Through Rate by DemographicsWhich demographics have the highest CTR?
Conversion Rate by InterestsWhich interests lead to the highest conversion rates?
Lookalike Audiences Conversion RateConversion rate of lookalike audiences
Contextual Targeting Click-Through RateCTR based on the content surrounding your ad
Retargeting Conversion RateConversion rate of previous website visitors
In-Market Audience Conversion RateConversion rate of users actively considering a purchase
Creative PerformanceView-Through Rate (VTR)Percentage of impressions where the ad was fully displayed
Ad Recall LiftIncreased ad recall after seeing your ad
Brand Perception ShiftChange in user perception of your brand after seeing your ad
Emotional Response AnalysisMeasuring the emotional impact of your ad
A/B Testing ResultsPerformance comparison of different ad versions
Click-Through Rate by DeviceHow CTR varies across devices (desktop, mobile, tablet)
Brand Building & Social MediaSentiment Analysis by PlatformIdentifying positive and negative sentiment across platforms
Brand Lift StudyMeasuring brand awareness, consideration, and preference
Social Media Engagement RateAverage number of likes, shares, and comments per post
Influencer Marketing PerformanceROI of influencer collaborations
Brand Search VolumeHow often your brand is searched for online
Website Traffic by ChannelUnderstanding which channels drive the most traffic
Ecommerce & Lead GenerationLead Qualification ScoreScoring leads based on potential value and purchase intent
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)Cost of acquiring a new customer
Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)Total revenue a customer generates over their lifetime
Assisted ConversionsConversions influenced by multiple touchpoints
Landing Page Conversion RatePercentage of visitors who convert on your landing page
Shopping Cart Abandonment RatePercentage of users who leave items in their cart without purchasing
Advanced AnalyticsAttribution ModelingUnderstanding the different touchpoints influencing conversions
Multi-Touch AttributionAssigning credit for conversions across multiple channels
Customer Journey MappingTracking user behavior across different stages of the buying process
Brand SafetyEnsuring your ad appears in safe and relevant environments
Viewability ScorePercentage of ad that is actually seen by users
Fraudulent Click DetectionIdentifying and preventing invalid clicks