Thursday, April 16, 2020

Crafting great email- email etiquette

1.Use company email id
Using company emails recipient thinks that it has come from authentic source. It increases the email open rate. Further, it builds trust and loyalty towards a company.
The company marketing email increases the open rate. Incase the company don't have marketing email id, use personal email id. One point to be noted that, the email should have your name like, using emails like found to be unprofessional.

2.Subject line
A good subject line induces people to open the email in the cluttered email market space.
Few examples are
' Meeting date postponed'
' paint proposal attached'
Subject line must not be more than 10 words.
Natural language processing made it easier. First, write the body of email and click subject line. The line appears automatically.
Never use capital letters in the subject line.
In reply mail change the subject line if the topic changes.

Email is a professional communication and not the social media communication. Thus, use professional salutations like Dear. Never use the Nick name or Short name of the person.

4.Use digital signature

5.Be careful while using 'reply all's option.

6.Proofread email before sending

Understand culture of the country before sending emails.

8.Dont use exclamation in the email.

9.Be cautious using humor in email
Humor used by sender may be misinterpreted or insulted a person

10.Use classic fonts


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