Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Top 10 Modern marketing principles

Digital marketing is changing marketing very rapidly and precisely. Hence, it is inevitable for organization to transform themsleves to the modern reality
I have listed a few principles required for Modern marketing in the digital era. They are as follows;
1. Don't over rely on technology.
Many modern marketers think that digital marketing is answer for marketing issues. However, they have to understand three imprtant points
a. Do your customers understand the digital marketing?
b. Is the digital marketing is popular in your industry and market/
c. Do technology you intend to use suit to your company budget, industry trends and affordability?
If answers to these above questions are yes, assess whether the company is having skilled workforce to handle modern technology. The people who will work for the company should have high degree of flexibility , eager to learn new things and moves quickly on project assignments.
2. experience marketing
3. e-CRM and Social CRM
4. Omni channel customer connect
5. Customer value, customer communication and delivery.
6. data Analytics
7. Creative organizations and employees
8. Be social.
9. Have bigger goals
10. transforming marketing department designations.


Prasad Kulkarni said...

Thank You Steve.

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