Monday, December 7, 2020

Green Bonds in India

 Green Bonds in India

What are green bonds?

Green bonds are debt securities issued by financial, non financial and Public sector undertakings. The resource will be used for 100% green projects and assets.

What are green projects?

1. Renewable energy
2. water and energy efficiency
3. Bio energy
4. Low carbon transports. ( Down-to-earth 2020)


India is the second largest green bond market in the world( ET energy world, 2020)

Indian companies involved in green bond market

1. Indian renewable energy development agency((IREDA)    2018
2. Indian Railway finance corporat5ion     2018
3. State Bank of India 2020 100 Million(Ghosh, 2020)

Features of green bonds in India

1. Coupon rate: Fixed
2. tenure: 6 months to 30 years.

Private placements data on corporate bonds
YearNo. of IssuesAmount (Rs. Crores)



1. India becomes second-largest market for Green Bonds with $10.3 billion transactions - ET EnergyWorld. (2020). Retrieved 7 December 2020, from green-bonds-with-10-3-billion-transactions/73898149

Green bonds: Is it green finance or green-washing?. (2020). Retrieved 7 December 2020, from


Ghosh, S. (2020). State Bank of India raises $100 million in green bonds. Retrieved 7 December 2020, from

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Marketing 5.0 and marketing clouds.

Marketing 5.0 

Intelligent systems will redefine marketing in the future. Artificial intelligence systems will be used as both production and representative systems (Dragnov. M, 2018). Further, these AI systems will automate marketing and email marketing. It will work on dynamic pricing. Added to this, voice support and chat box have a greater role in marketing 5.0. (LinkedIn,2019)

Marketing clouds

Marketing cloud is an integration of social media, consumer profiles, audience management and analytics.

Functions of marketing clouds:

  1. They track customer journey on the web.
  2. They send personalized messages to customers.
  3. They enhance content delivery mechanisms.
  4. They help in nurturing the leads.
  5. Thy do content forecasting.
  6. They manage social campaigns.
  7. They help company to moentize their experience.
  8. They identify audience segments among the profile lists.
  9. They optimize marketing solutions.
  10. They collect data from multiple sources

Top 10 Companies in Marketing cloud operations.

  1. Adobe Marketing cloud.
  2. Salesforce.
  3. SAP
  4. IBM
  5. Orcale
  6. Hub spot.
  7. Experian.
  8. Agile one
  9. Sailthru
  10. Marketo


Marketing 4.0 built upon mobile technology and power of social media. In a similar way marketing 5.0 will be built on customer engagement. The main emphasis is providing omni-channel experience to customers by clubbing marketing 4.0 channels and emerging platforms.(Ellet , 2020)


  1. Draganov, M., Panicharova, M., & Madzhirova, N. (2018, June). Marketing 5.0. Transactions of Artificial Intelligence Systems in The Digital Environment. In 2018 International Conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development (HiTech) (pp. 1-3). IEEE. 
  2. Ellett, J. (2020). Technology Is Changing The Future Of Marketing (Again). Retrieved 5 December 2020, from

  3. Marketing 5.0: A View to Marketing in the 2020s and Beyond. (2019). Retrieved 5 December 2020, from